olive oil type

5 Different Types of Olive Oil You Must Know

Kitchen, Reviews


Before diving straight to 5 Different Types of Olive Oil, let us look at the history of Olive Oil. The background of olive oil is a long and lengthy one, and has a myriad of different purposes and uses throughout the ages. The oil was utilized for cooking, medicinal purposes, rituals, religious ceremonies, and much more. The first time we have heard of olive oil dates back to ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia who utilized it to cook and for rituals for religious purposes. It was also a popular ingredient in the ancient times of Greece and Rome and was used to cook as well as lighting lamps and to moisturize the skin. The Middle Ages, olive oil was used for a wide range of uses, such as a lamp fuel as well as a lubricant to machinery as well as the treatment of skin issues. It was also utilized in the making of soap. Nowadays, olive oil can still be used in cooking, and also in medicines and cosmetics. It’s also a common component in dressings for salads as well as other dishes.

The nutritional facts for Olive Oil:

The nutritional value per 14g of one tablespoon of the olive oil is:

  • Calories 120
  • 14 grams Total Fat
  • 2.2 G Saturated Fat
  • 1.8 g of Polyunsaturated Fat
  • 10g Monounsaturated Fat
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Sodium is 0 mg
  • Cholesterol is 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0 .

What are the health benefits from Olive Oil?

There are numerous advantages to olive oil’s health. It is a monounsaturated fat which is rich in antioxidants. It has been found to boost cardiovascular health, decrease the risk of cancer and enhance brain function.

Olive Oil Contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants

Olive oil that is extra virgin is quite healthy.

In addition to the beneficial fatty acids it also contains a small amount of vitamins E and K.

But olive oil is filled with powerful antioxidants.

They are biologically active, and could reduce the risk of suffering from chronic illnesses.

The primary anti-inflammatory effects are produced by antioxidants

Olive oil is rich in minerals that may stop or eliminate bad microbes.

One of them is Helicobacter Pylori, the bacterium that dwells in the stomach of a person and may cause stomach ulcers or stomach cancer.

Test-tube studies have demonstrated that olive oil from extra virgin fights off eight strains of this bacterium. three of which are intolerant to antibiotics.

The benefits to health from olive oils are numerous and include lowering the risk of cancer, heart disease as well as diabetes. It also helps in the reduction of high cholesterol, increasing cognitive function, and shielding your skin from UV rays from the sun.

5 Different Types of Olive Oil

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Extra-virgin olive oil can be described as the best olive oil. It’s made from pure cold-pressed olives. It has the flavor of fruit and a pungent, strong smell. It is the best olive oil. It is made of pure, cold-pressed olives, and is among the most expensive.

Extra virgin is abundant in antioxidants, and also has the most vitamins and minerals that are found in olives.

Its color EVOO is either greenish-yellow or golden-green. The color will depend on the quality of olives that are used. To benefit your health extra virgin oil is the most frequently used olive oil.

Virgin Olive Oil

The virgin olive oil is made from pure cold-pressed olives, however it has a more mild flavour and a somewhat lower cost that extra virgin olive oil. It is also made of pure, cold-pressed olives however it has a lighter taste and a somewhat less expensive price tag than the extra-virgin olive oil.

The olive oil that is virgin is unrefined but is more refined than EVOO. Following cold-pressing, the virgin olive oil has an aroma that is more natural and flavour than other varieties.

It is acidic in its content that ranges from 1 to 4 percent which is slightly more than EVOO.

Only virgin oil can be the one one that is resistant to temperature and is also temperature resistant.

Pure Olive Oil

Pure olive oil is a mixture of processed and cold-pressed oils. It has a less sour taste than virgin or extra-virgin olive oils, as well as it is priced slightly higher.

Like its name implies, most people think it is the purest form of olive oil. However, it’s not. Olive oil that is pure lesser quality than extra virgin or virgin form of oil.

It’s less sweet and has a lighter hue. It also has higher levels of oleic acid, which range between 3 and 4 percent.

It is actually an amalgamation of virgin and extra virgin varieties and refined olive oil. If the extraction quality isn’t up to norm, mixing aids in maintaining the quality.

The refined oil mixes with a more premium one. The oil added will provide an increased amount of Vitamin E as well as a superior taste.

Refined Olive Oil

Olive oil refined is produced from cold-pressed, pure olives. However, the oil is heated before being filtrated to eliminate its fruity flavor and strong scent. It is made from pure cold-pressed olives. The oil is heated before being removed to remove its fruity flavor and strong scent.

It is made from mature and black olive fruits.This kind of blend is made up of olive oil that is pure as well as 5% to 10% extra virgin olive oil.

Extra-light olive oil/Pomace type

Extra-light olive oils are an amalgamation of cold-pressed and processed oils. It has a less sour taste than extra-virgin and virgin olive oils and comes with a price that is a bit lower. It is also known by the name of Pomace Oil, Pomace type is the cheapest olive oil on the market. The Pomace oil is derived from the residues and remains that remain after pressing the fruit is finished.

The olive pulp is a leftover with water and oil. Following that, additional oils are extracted which are less quality.

The pomace oil can be utilized for cleaning purposes like polishing furniture or other furniture. However, it’s not suitable for use in cooking.

How olive oils are produced

The process of making olive oils is a very simple procedure that begins by selecting the most prestigious olives.5 Different Types of Olive Oil have the same basic process.

1. The olives are picked to ensure their quality.

2. The olives are cleaned to eliminate any dirt or other debris.

3. The stones are removed from olives.

4. The olives are crushed to an oily paste.

5. Oil is extracted by olives. 

6. The oil is then filtered. 

7. The oil is then bottled.