What are the various methodologies of software development_

What are the various methodologies of software development?


Software development methodologies are various frameworks that guide the process of developing software applications. These methodologies provide structure and organization to a team’s approach to building a successful product, while also helping to reduce risk and improve quality assurance. Common software development methodologies include Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Lean Software Development, DevOps, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Feature Driven Development (FDD). Each methodology has its own benefits and drawbacks which will be discussed in this article. Additionally, we’ll explore how these various methodologies help teams collaborate better for increased productivity as well as improved quality assurance.

What Is Software Development Methodology?

Software development methodologies are various approaches used to create software. They include various steps and strategies that a team of developers follows in order to produce an efficient and effective software product. Each methodology has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, as well as various techniques for helping teams collaborate better and reduce risks while increasing productivity.

10 Types Of Common Software Development Methodologies

1. Agile Development Methodology

Agile methodology is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after software development approaches in recent years. In comparison to its linear predecessors, Agile management adapts a more progressive approach that puts users first – rather than relying on monotonous documentation and procedures. Agile is based on a collaborative, iterative process that applies various principles such as incremental development, self-organizing teams, and feedback loops. This allows for greater flexibility and faster results when developing software.


  • Software is virtually flawless due to the dedication of its developers in testing and perfecting it with every iteration.
  • Agile methodology offers various benefits to software development teams, such as improved collaboration, increased productivity, and shorter delivery cycles.
  • Agile promotes user involvement in the development process, allowing developers to easily incorporate feedback or changes requested by users during the development stages.
  • The methodology also reduces risk by allowing for quick adjustments to software functions in response to changing market conditions or customer needs.


  • Agile methodologies can be difficult to implement and require a highly-skilled team of developers with the right set of knowledge and expertise.
  • It may prove difficult to keep track of progress due to frequent changes in scope or design specifications as requested by users during the course of development.
  • The agile methodology also requires extensive planning and coordination between various stakeholders in order to ensure the success of a project.

2. Waterfall Development Methodology

The Waterfall development methodology is one of the most widely used approaches for software engineering, and it is characterized by an organized linear approach. This method follows a step-by-step approach and is divided into various stages such as analysis, design, coding, and testing. The process begins with the analysis of user requirements, followed by designing a prototype or architecture. After that, developers write code and test it accordingly to ensure accuracy.


  • Waterfall methodologies offer a more structured approach to software development, which is great for large-scale projects.
  • It is easier to track various stages of the development process since it follows a linear approach.
  • This methodology also offers various benefits in terms of quality assurance as various tests are written and carried out throughout the various stages.


  • Waterfall methodologies are not as flexible compared to other approaches, as changes or feedback from users at various stages may prove difficult and costly to incorporate.
  • This methodology can also be time-consuming since there is no room for flexibility in the various stages of development.
  • It can also be difficult to track progress with this approach due to its linear structure.

3. Scrum Methodology

The Scrum methodology is based on a framework of various complex processes and activities that are designed to help software development teams become more agile and efficient in their tasks. This approach follows an iterative and incremental process, wherein various tasks are broken down into smaller parts or sprints, allowing developers to work on various tasks at the same time. It also promotes collaboration among various stakeholders, as well as continuous feedback and improvement throughout the various stages of development.


  • The Scrum methodology is highly flexible, allowing teams to make quick changes or adjust various tasks during each iteration.
  • This approach also facilitates efficient collaboration between various stakeholders, as well as continuous feedback and improvement.
  • The Scrum methodology is also great for managing large and complex projects, as it breaks down various tasks into smaller sprints.


  • The Scrum methodology can be quite complex to implement and requires a highly-skilled team with the right knowledge and expertise.
  • This methodology may also be difficult to track due to its iterative and incremental approach.
  • It can also prove difficult to provide accurate timelines or estimates for various tasks or projects with this approach.

4. Prototype Model

The Prototype Model is a software development methodology that involves creating a prototype of the final product and testing it out with various users. This model helps teams collaborate better, increase productivity, reduce risks, and improve quality assurance. It is an iterative process where each iteration results in a working version of the product. The various stages involved in this methodology include requirements gathering, design, coding, and testing. The main advantage of using this approach is that it allows for quick feedback from stakeholders as well as end-users to be incorporated into the development process at various levels.


  • Allows developers to quickly test ideas and get user feedback before investing time in full implementation.
  • Reduces costs by eliminating unnecessary features early on.
  • Provides flexibility to accommodate changes during later stages of development.


  • This can lead to incomplete or buggy prototypes if too much emphasis is placed on speed rather than accuracy.
  • May not provide enough detail for complex projects requiring detailed specifications prior to coding.
  • Requires more effort upfront due to multiple iterations required for completion

5. Rapid Application Development (RAD)

It is a software development methodology that uses various tools and techniques to quickly create an application. It involves iterative cycles of prototyping, user testing, and refining the product. The goal of RAD is to reduce time-to-market by rapidly creating applications with minimal coding or scripting. It can also be used for rapid prototyping and agile development projects. RAD methodologies are often used when there is limited access to resources or tight deadlines.


  • Reduced risk due to shorter project timelines
  • Faster feedback loops for improved quality assurance
  • Increased collaboration between team members


  • Too much focus on speed can lead to lower-quality results
  • Requires significant upfront planning in order to succeed
  • Lack of flexibility when changes need to be made mid-project

6. Dynamic Systems Model

It is an iterative and incremental software development model that focuses on delivering a rapid, flexible solution to the customer. This model emphasizes breaking down of project into various small chunks and then working on them one by one. The idea behind this model is that each iteration should produce valuable output which can be used immediately or added in later iterations.


  • Allows for frequent feedback from the customer, resulting in better-quality deliverables.
  • Increases flexibility as changes can be incorporated at any stage throughout the life cycle of product development.
  • Allows for faster delivery times due to shorter sprints with dedicated teams assigned per sprint.


  • Not suitable for long projects with a large number of requirements since it requires constant maintenance and updates from various stakeholders over time.
  • There may be difficulty in deciding when a release should take place if there are too many bugs present within a given iteration.
  • Requires significant effort & flexibility from all team members throughout the life cycle of the project which can result in resource exhaustion or burnout unless properly managed.

7. Feature-Driven Development

Feature Driven Development (FDD) is a software development methodology that focuses on developing features and functions of the product. FDD combines iterative and incremental techniques to quickly deliver functionality. It is based on various principles such as continuous design, frequent integration, and the use of domain object models.


  • Offers flexibility, allowing teams to adapt and modify their strategies as the process progresses.
  • FDD relies heavily on domain experts, which helps to ensure that requirements are understood correctly and implemented with precision.
  • Clear documentation of various processes involved in software development provides a clear roadmap for the team members to follow.


  • FDD might require more resources than other methodologies, such as Agile or Scrum.
  • Requires a great amount of detailed planning and coordination for various tasks to be completed.
  • Domain expertise might not always be available which could affect the quality of the software being developed.

8. Scrum Development 

Scrum is one of the most popular and widely-used methodologies for software development. It is an agile framework that helps teams work together to deliver high-quality projects in a shorter amount of time. Scrum emphasizes collaboration, communication, and iterative processes to ensure successful product delivery. With its focus on rapid feedback loops, continuous improvement, and quick decision-making, it allows teams to quickly adapt to changing requirements while maintaining quality standards. Its flexible approach also encourages teams to constantly look for better ways of working and responding to customer needs. In short, Scrum helps organizations develop their products efficiently with greater agility and improved outcomes.


  • Allows for more flexibility throughout various stages of the development process
  • Enhances team collaboration by allowing team members to contribute ideas and solutions freely
  • Encourages constant review and evaluation which leads to improved quality assurance


  • Can be difficult for large or complex projects due to a lack of structure
  • Requires heavy investment in terms of resources such as time & money
  • This can lead to scope creep if not managed properly

9. Spiral Model

The Spiral Model is one of the various methodologies of software development that has been used successfully in various projects. This model combines elements from both the Waterfall and Agile models, allowing for a more flexible approach to software development while still providing structure and tracking progress. The Spiral Model follows a risk-driven process, where each cycle or spiral includes four steps: identify risks, plan activities, develop prototype/product, and review results.


  • Allows for quick feedback cycles which help teams respond quickly to changes in requirements.
  • Flexible enough to adapt to different types of projects with varying complexities.
  • Helps developers prioritize tasks based on risk analysis so they can focus their efforts on critical areas first.


  • Requires significant effort from all involved parties due to its complex nature compared with other models like Waterfall or Agile.                                       
  • Can be expensive since it requires extensive planning and testing at various stages throughout the process.                                                                           
  • Time-consuming as each stage needs thorough consideration before proceeding further

10. Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology that focuses on delivering high-quality software with frequent iterations. It was first introduced in 1996 by Kent Beck and has since become one of the most popular methodologies for developing various types of software. XP emphasizes continuous collaboration between developers, testers, business analysts, and customers to ensure that requirements are met efficiently and effectively. The key principles of XP include communication, feedback loops, simplicity, courage, respect, and focus on quality.


  • Flexibility – XP allows teams to make changes quickly as customer needs evolve over time
  • Simplicity – Teams can produce simpler solutions more quickly due to its iterative approach
  • Efficiency – The short iterations enable teams to identify problems early in the process which leads to less rework later on


  • Rigidity – Some may find it difficult or even impossible to implement certain aspects of Extreme Programming due to organizational constraints
  • Overhead – There can be significant overhead related to setting up various processes such as code reviews or unit testing which could lead to lower productivity
  • Costly – XP requires additional resources which may not always be available leading to higher costs associated with implementing the methodology.


1. What are the seven 7 software development methodologies?

The seven software development methodologies include Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, DevOps, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), and Lean Development.

2. Which methodology is best for software development?

It depends on the project and team size. Teams should choose an approach that best fits their needs and goals.

3. What are the four key development methodologies?

The four key development methodologies are Waterfall, Agile, Scrum and DevOps.

4. What is the difference between Agile and Scrum?

Agile is an iterative process while Scrum is an agile framework that focuses on collaboration among teams to produce timely deliverables of high quality with minimal risk of failure or cost overruns. In other words, Agile is more focused on how to generate value quickly while Scrum provides tools to help manage those values efficiently by guiding team activities in shorter cycles or “sprints” within an overall system delivery process.


Guiding the development of software and apps, software methodologies remain an essential resource for today’s programmers. Encompassing a wide range of approaches since the days of early programming, they offer developers great scope in how to create their applications.

With decades of changes in software development methodologies, you may be wondering what approach is right for your team. To determine which one to use, consider factors such as experience level, budget constraints, and objectives; then review our detailed descriptions to decide! If you’re still not sure or need more help selecting a methodology that works best for you, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’d love to lend a hand.