The Emotion Code Chart

How The Emotion Code Chart Work?


According to ncbi People’s everyday life seems to be emotional: participants experienced 90% of the time at least one emotion. The most frequent were joy, love, and anxiety. People experienced positive emotions 2.5 times more often than negative ones, but also usually together with the negative.

Often, people suffer from chronic pain where medication or therapy of any amount does not ever help. They do not seem to ever find a medical reason behind it.  One plausible explanation for your chronic pain may be trapped emotions. These then get trapped and may cause acute pain and diseases. Emotion code tools can be used to release these emotions.

Emotion Code Chart
Image source: Google

The emotions code chart is based on the theory that negative emotions can become trapped in the body. These trapped emotions can cause physical and emotional well-being, including pain, anxiety, depression, and more. The emotion code chart was created to help people identify and release their own trapped emotions. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of the emotion code chart and how to use it to improve your health and well-being!


The emotion code chart consists of two parts: the identification of trapped emotions and the release of trapped emotions.

(i) Identifying Trapped Emotions: The first glance is using an emotion code chart to identify a trapped emotion or two that may be causing problems for you. To do this, simply go through each emotion on the wheel until you find one that feels right. Then, move down the list of questions below and answer them honestly.


(ii) Releasing Trapped Emotions: Once you have identified the emotion you want to release, the next step is releasing the emotion itself! To do this, simply go through each emotion on the emotion code chart until you find one that resonates with your feelings about yourself or someone else in real life (e.g., I feel sad). Once you have identified emotion as it relates to yourself or someone else, then go through the emotion code book again until you find another emotion that feels right (e.g., I feel angry).


The word “chakra” has been used in a very loose way in the recent past. Many people don’t quite literally understand what are chakras. The word “chakra” is a Sanskrit word with a meaning in literal as the “wheel.” It refers to energy centers in our bodies. Bundles of nerves and major organs are thought to flow as freely as the abundant thoughts that this presence seizes to function when in harmony with the universe, through each of these spinning energy centers. It is said that if any one of these chakras becomes blocked or out of balance, it may cause physical or emotional symptoms in the area in which it is related for its emotional release therapy. For optimal function of the chakra wheels, they must be left open or balanced. 

A human body consists of 114 different chakras out of which only seven chakras have a significant role called the primary chakras.

  1. Root Chakra 
  2. Sacral Chakra
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. Heart Chakra
  5. Throat Chakra
  6. Third Eye Chakra
  7. Crown Chakra

Muscle Testing and Emotion Code Chart

  • Muscle testing helps identify trapped emotions. When muscle weakness occurs during an answer, you’re not allowed to do so. If this tenses then yes, it will be answered. Ring-in ring muscles work best for me. 
  • You can bend the muscle in your hand or extend it to the right angle. Start at a relaxed location, and focus on the muscles of your hands and how they respond to questions. 
  • Dr. Nelson suggests doing the exercise 100 days a week and ten days a week. This method improves the accuracy of the data. Using these methods, one can build strong bonds with the subconscious and quickly identify buried feelings when mastery is gained.
  • At this point, the proper procedure would be to test the emotions one by one, asking, “Is the trapped emotion Crying?” followed by a muscle test.

How to find inherited trapped emotions?

  • Your age can be used to determine when your emotions get trapped. This helps me find the approximate age they acquired the trapped emotion. 
  • If it’s a person you haven’t met in years ask them to tell them how old you are. Continue to ask this question for half of your life to isolate the moment when you have accumulated them. Unexpected trapped feelings passed to you by a biological parent.
  • Ask a second time for a more accurate answer. How did an emotion come from? Then continue to question until you find who is the person with whom the emotion was trapped. If all of the emotions test is weak, you have uncovered an “inherited” trapped emotion or an emotion that was passed to you from your biological mother or father.

Why do we Suppress Emotions?

The main cause of emotional repression is very often lurking in one’s childhood experiences.

Children receive the most valuable experience about behavior and ways of communication from their primary caregivers.

Therefore, an individual whose primary caregivers had the following features must have been quite free and open in expressing his/her emotions:

  • was open regarding feelings
  • made them free to express how various encounters evoked emotional feelings
  • encouraged their experiences of positive and negative emotions in that order
  • should have not been judgmental or critical of emotional experiences


Adults who may have repressed their feelings usually feel out of touch with their feelings because they experienced a different childhood. They find it difficult to express even feelings that they never had to repress. They can also get mixed up in their emotional expression.


Those adults would be those who were raised by caregivers who:

  • their expression of emotion was rare, and it made them insecure to share it even if experienced it
  • shamed them on bringing out their emotions
  • told them that what they experience does not matter or denied the feeling

In this case, boys have it worse than girls. In many cultures, the messages given to young boys sound like “boys don’t cry” or “stop crying like a girl,” but in reality promote toxic masculinity. These boys do not get a healthy outlet of grief and start repression which starts appearing in their behavior.

How do I use emotion codes?

  • Relieving the emotions that have accumulated is an extremely easy process created to make energy healing more accessible for everyone! It aims to simplify communicating with the subconscious to determine which emotion has been triggered by the sentiments and if so release that emotion. 
  • Whenever stuck energies are identified, they are identified through an emotional codes chart and released individually. There is no way for the release of the bundles even though the pieces are often woven together.
  • There are several ways to use emotion codes. You can use the chart to identify and release trapped emotions, or you can use it to help you understand your feelings. It is a key component. 
  • You can also use emotional codes to communicate with other people. If you have a particular identified emotion that you want to work on, you can use the code for that emotion to find relief by spending just a few minutes.

What Emotions Do We Normally Repress?

People tend to repress strong and unpleasant emotions like

  • fury
  • frustration
  • sorrow
  • fear
  • disappointment

These are the emotions often taken as negative. It is common for emotions that are “wrong” according to society to be repressed by people, mainly for fear of being judged by the people.


These people have heard something insensitive such as: 

  • “Do not make a drama out of this.”
  • “You are overreacting.”
  • “There are people who are way worse than you.”

Very often, they do not realize that they invalidate the emotional experiences of their children. Indeed, also willingly, they could prevent them from expressing very strong emotions with sentences like “You have to stop crying” or “Stop yelling.”

When using terms as such this, the kid starts associating sadness or anger or disappointment as emotions they are not supposed to admit nor express to a person.

They begin feeling more comfortable with positive emotions or emotions, which are easily acceptable by society. 

To them, it appears easier to avoid negative emotions because they bring a lot of criticism and judgment.

Physical Manifestations of Repressed Emotions

  • Any other researcher claims that restraining emotions are associated with weakened functioning of the immune system. If the immune system is weak, then one falls sick most often and also recovers very slowly.
  • The other effect of repressed feelings is that they can cause problems of mental health yet not solved through thoughts that are irrational and problematic.

These emotions frequently become mental conditions of the following physical forms: 

  • tenseness or pain in the muscles
  • nausea and drowsiness 
  • disturbances in digestion  
  • fluctuations of appetite  
  • weariness   
  • sleeping disorders, e.g., sleep talking or sleeplessness

We have already identified that chronic emotions may result from childhood traumas. The repressed emotions happen to also be capable of causing chronic illness.

One of the repressed feelings is unresolvable anger which can also lead to some very serious as well as fatal health problems. People who find it hard to express their anger in very productive ways may be at higher risk for developing the following diseases:

  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart disease

Here are some of the Top Signs of People with Emotional Repression

(1) They are afraid of Confrontation

(2) They have Low Temper

(3) They lose their self-sense

(4) They seek Distractions

(5) They feel uncomfortable with the Emotional People

(6) They always feel restless and anxious

(7) They have severe headaches all the time

(8) They have constipation issues

What is emotion code chart?

It is a visual guide for understanding the feelings that are connected. Generally speaking, Releasing trapped emotions is a quick and easy process that was created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor who became interested in emotional healing after he saw patients with emotional traumas who could not be helped by traditional means.

What are the colors of emotions?

  • Colors of emotions and how to use the emotion code chart. It is a great way to identify and understand the feelings. The colors of emotions can be used to help you understand yourself and others better. It is a great way to start understanding yourself and others. Each color has its meaning, and by identifying the colors you’re feeling, you can work on releasing those five emotions.
  • It consists of six basic colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Red is associated with anger, orange is associated with happiness, yellow is associated with fear, green is associated with envy, blue is associated with sadness, and purple is associated with love.
  • When you’re feeling a certain emotion, the color of that emotion will be dominant in your aura. If you’re feeling angry, for example, the red in your aura will be more dominant than the other colors. If you’re feeling happy, the orange in your aura will be more dominant. And if you’re feeling afraid, the yellow in your aura will be more dominant.
  • The emotion code chart can be used to help you understand yourself and others better. By understanding the colors of emotions, you can work on releasing them. It is a great way to start living a healthier, double-positive life. You may be surprised at how helpful it can be.

What is Energy Healing and what are the factors to be considered while using Emotional Code for Energy healing?

  • Energy Medicine is based on the pseudo-scientific idea that the human body contains an energetic “life force” and energy centers (chakras) that keep not only the body’s cells healthy but also optimally functioning and growing.
  • Energy healing is an alternative medicine born with healers from different cultures who channel healing energy into the recipient’s body allowing the body to promote self-healing for physiological disorders. 
  • This treatment can renew and balance the body for flow, continuity, equilibrium, and vitality. Energy Medicine refers to a collective term of diverse aware healing systems such as Reiki Energy Healing, Emotion Code, Light Therapy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Thai Massage, Tapping, and numerous others. 

Here are the 5 Top facts about Energy Healing:

(i) It is based on scientific Facts

(ii) It helps heal Physical and Emotional Traumas

(iii) It is easily accessible

(iv) It has no negative side effects

(v) The treatment and the medication is safe to use for body


People following should avoid taking an energy healing session with the magnets: 

  • A person using the electronic medical device like a pacemaker. 
  • A  person who has a surgical implant sensitive to magnetism.
  • Pregnant women, and especially those who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, or women with a severe health condition. 

Even if you do not belong to any of the above-mentioned groups, nevertheless you should refrain from using or putting on magnetic appliances throughout the session.

Are Emotions Magnetic?

  • Emotions work as a magnet.
  • A magnetic field is defined as a force that is generated by the electric current and magnetic dipoles, which creates a force on other nearby moving charges and dipoles. It has a direction and a magnitude (or strength) at any given point, so a vector field represents it. One would feel our feelings are independent of those around us. But no, we are all like the electrons. This stable subatomic particle which has a negative electricity charge and is in all atoms acts as the main carrier of electricity in solids.
  • Thoughts are that which represent the electrical part of our internal electromagnetic force.
  • Feelings and emotions represent the magnetic part. Think about it. You know that when you get triggered by a strong feeling or emotion, you feel it in your body. It affects everything with which it comes into contact. It can be very strong. It’s like a magnetic pull inside us. 

The Science Around Energy Healing Magnets

  • Human energy fields are another feature of science that plays great significance in the infographic of energy healing methods. Human energy fields correspond to the electrical pulse made as a result of the beating of a heart and the functioning of a brain. 
  • Scientists measure the human electrical field of the heart and brain by use of various machines. Researchers indicate that the human’s electrical and magnetic fields increase considerably during energy healing sessions. On the same note, these transformations are measurable and open to recording. One can easily see this with Aura Photography and the energy fields around people.

How do you release trapped emotions?

  • how an emotion code chart can be used to identify and release trapped emotions. This simple, yet effective tool can be used by anyone to help improve their emotional health and well-being.
  • How it works, how it was created, and what results people have seen after using it. You might also want to talk about why you need to release trapped emotion for your body’s energy system to operate at full capacity.

How does emotion code therapy work?

emotion code therapy is a technique that deals with the emotion from which it arises, not the emotion expressed. And rather than having one emotion create a chain reaction of other emotions, emotion code therapy dissolves trapped emotions to bring peace and inner peace.

Sentiments are triggered by unfinished business from the past and blocks in our energy body. Emotion Code therapists discover what was trying to be expressed and break up these chains so we can overcome our old issues and move on freely with joy, confidence, and an expanded view of life.


The process involves three steps:

  • identifying any blocked or unresolved emotion;
  • clearing out any double negative beliefs associated with those blocks;
  • then finally generating the emotion that should replace those blocked feelings.


1. How does the Emotion Code work?

The Emotion Code technique releases trapped emotions by running a magnet along the back several times, simultaneously reminding or acknowledging together with chiropractic practitioners certain events and experiences. It seems to be extremely simple but the effects of the above mentioned might be very profound.

2. What are the 5 types of trapped emotions emotion code?

The most trapped Emotions as per the study are:

  • shared, 
  • absorbed, 
  • pre-natal, 
  • inherited 
  • Preconception
  • Common emotions

3. How do I know if the emotion code chart is working?

There is no way to scientifically determine if the emotion code is working. However, you may notice a change in your feelings or physical sensations after releasing trapped emotions work using this technique. Some people also report feeling more peaceful, relaxed, and centered after an emotion code session.

4. Do I need certification in order to practice emotion code?

No! You do not need certification to practice emotion coding on yourself or others (although some practitioners may choose to become certified). However, if you are looking to deepen your understanding of the emotion code or use it as part of another healing modality, a certification course can be helpful.

5. What is an emotion code session like?

An emotion code session typically lasts 60-90 minutes. The practitioner will help you identify any trapped emotion you may be holding onto and guide you through the emotion release process.

6. What are the symptoms after emotion code?

You could feel irritable or sensitive. You could have echoes of the emotions released. For example, if the trapped emotion is that of frustration and you release it during processing time or in the next couple of days after the energy testing, you might find yourself more easily frustrated as would be normal again. You might also feel fatigue in the body.


The Emotion Code Chart can be a powerful tool to help you identify and release trapped emotions. If you’re feeling stuck or like something is blocking your progress, consider using the chart to help you get unstuck. Remember that this is just a guide, and you may need to work with a professional if you want to uncover some of the more deeply rooted trapped emotions. Have you tried using the Emotion Code Chart? If you enjoy this article then please visit this Gadgets heist website for more stuff like this.


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